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Mt. Washington Mill Dye House Wedding | Kimberly & Andrew


July 9, 2024

Kim and Andrew’s love story dates back to 2013, when they were just a couple of Hokies brought together by friends. During the last decade, they have celebrated life milestones, weathered a pandemic, cheered on historic sports fan moments, and hiked many miles.

Their wedding day was meant to be a celebration of their journey and all the wonderful people who supported them along the way. From the matching Nike kicks to the sunglasses at night to the sea of dance floor glowsticks – K+A’s big day was a party! Cheers to the newlyweds!

Venue | Mt. Washington Mill Dye House

Planning & Design | Roberts & Co.

Florist | Steelcut Flower Co.

Caterer | Linwoods

Hair & Makeup | Brushed Beauty

Music | Bachelor Boys Band

Wedding Dress | Brocade Bridal

Videographer | Rivion Films

Decor | Something Vintage & Select Event Group

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